Health & Wellness Blogs

How to Maintain Muscle Mass
Starting around age 30, we all begin to lose muscle mass, which can slow the metabolism and increase the risk of injury. So what can you do to turn back time? Clinton Maclin, ACSM-CEP-CPO, an exercise physiologist and safety coach at Piedmont Atlanta Fitness Center, explains why we lose muscle mass, how to rebuild it and why lean muscle tissue is crucial for health and...

Fitbit Blog: How to Safely Exercise Outside This Winter
Exercising outside in the winter requires a little more preparation than just throwing on shorts and a t-shirt like in the summer or spring. “You should dress in layers to maintain warmth, manage body temperature, and avoid moisture on your skin in an effort to stay dry while you are bustling up a sweat,” says Clinton Maclin, ACSM EPC-EIM2, Exercise Physiologist at Piedmont Atlanta...

Natural Awakenings Atlanta Magazine - Just Add Water: Aquatic Workouts
Exercise physiologist Clinton Maclin, of the Piedmont Atlanta Fitness Center, in Georgia, concurs. “Aqua aerobics helps all muscle groups benefit from increased endurance, resistance and range of motion.” For optimum fitness, Maclin recommends getting wet for a minimum of two-and-a-half hours per week to stay...
Form & Technique Videos
Top Left: Proper Form for Lat Pulldowns; Bottom Left: Proper Form for Back Extensions; Right: 5 On-the-go Strength Training Moves